Barbara and Bob Johnson
Hello, we are Barbara and Bob Johnson from Essex. We started supporting the charity in the days of the National Meningitis Trust after the death of our son James in May 1991 from Group 'B' meningitis and septicaemia.
In 2001 I was honoured to be invited to join the Board of Trustees of the Meningitis Trust. I served on the Board for almost 12 years until the merger with Meningitis UK. I could not have undertaken that role without Barbara's unwavering help and support.
We must add that everyone at Meningitis Now, or the Meningitis Trust as it was back then, have been a constant and unerring source of support and help. By allowing us to be 'part of the team' they have provided us with an important focus. We have experienced at first hand what they can do and will forever remain grateful to them.
Barbara and I continue to support the work of Meningitis Now in the hope that just maybe what we have done and what we hope to continue to do might save some other parents from going through what we experienced.